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An Odd Analysis of Life as a Foster Kid in Literature / Art

​Oddly enough we see some more interesting and deeper themes in Star Wars if we look further into the art. The culture of this movie/book spans from the 70’s until now. The abuse/fostering caused by Anakin Skywalker who eventually becomes a villain known as Darth Vader is an interesting piece that can explain the characters Luke and Leia. In episode 3 which came out in 2005 we saw Anakin leave his pregnant wife, Padame, who later died in childbirth.

The kids were basically put into foster care and the daughter, Leia, grew up with Wedge Antilles and traveled many places, while the second child Luke was sent to Tatooine and grew up with people who became known as Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.

This acts as two examples of life as an adopted or fostered kid. A good life can be hit or miss. We see Leia was taken in by a richer or more powerful person and she became very educated, and an important person that carried out diplomatic missions, while Luke was sent to poor nerf herders/moisture farmers in the deserts of Tatooine where he grew up living low income but still in a loving family.

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