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Equality in Literature

Voracity has covered significant grounds of controversial topics. One of the charcters, Micheal, is in a place and time where it’s still hard for him to express himself freely. Over the past few years, homsexuality has been worked in television. It’s recently become a norm with the recent supreme court ruling of same-sex marriage. There’s still some struggle with the issues, as a lot of people still are against the ruling. Kim Davis is known for her stance on no issuing same-sex marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

This theme connects to a book previously talked about in The Metrogorian: The Witcher, specifically in the game in which the main character had been talking to a hunter who kept away from the rest of the village. Geralt wondered why, so the hunter told him how he is a “monster”. So the MC being very much like myself, with Asperger’s, took this literally and offers him help to lift the curse of his “lycanthropy” however he informs him he is merely a monster to other people because he is homosexual. Which does not come into Geralt’s mind often so he didn’t understand and felt rather dumb when he found it out. Homosexuality generally is not something the MC would usually think about because he sees it as part of life and a non-issue.

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